The PGA has developed a training and support package for those people who assist, or wish to assist, their PGA Member in the delivery of coaching activity, the Golf Activator.
The Golf Activator is not a qualified coach themselves, but rather an ‘extra pair of hands’ who supports a qualified coach in the delivery of coaching activity. Typically, this would mean helping out at things like: junior group lessons, a club junior section and adult beginner coaching sessions.
Starting from £99 you can become a member of the Club Volunteer Group by PGA and as a FREE benefit, you can receive training to become a licensed Golf Activator. This cost includes access to the Golf Activator online training course, your licence as well as providing you with insurance cover.
The Golf Activator training is undertaken online. This means you can access the course at a suitable time and at your own pace. It is anticipated that the online course will take you around two hours to complete.
Completion of this course, together with a valid safeguarding certificate and disclosure check, will result in you receiving a Golf Activator License issued by The PGA. This licence provides you with insurance cover related to deployment with your supporting PGA Member.